Posts Tagged ‘leadership leverage’

In 100 Words: The Overreaction File

Monday, February 1st, 2016 by AdvisorCatalyst

We have all seen people overreact. We usually think, “Easy…, it’s not that important.” If we’re honest, though, we overreact ourselves at times. This is especially common with our first (often too quick) response in stressful circumstances – irritation and frustration boil over. Abraham Lincoln exercised a unique habit in moments of frustration – he vented by writing a scathing letter which he promptly filed in a drawer and never sent. Do you have a file for your initial responses in testy situations? Favorable outcomes are more likely when we take time to settle our minds and emotions before replying.

“Let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger” The Epistle of James 1:19, The Holy Bible (ESV)

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In 100 Words: Spending Time vs. Leveraging Time

Sunday, January 31st, 2010 by AdvisorCatalyst

Meetings: do they excite or annoy you? Your answer says much about how you leverage your time. You may be able to lift 100 pounds, but applying that same strength to the input side of a lever enables you to lift much more. That’s the power of leverage.

The same principle applies to time. You can do many things yourself, but mobilizing an organization to do those same things enables you to accomplish much more. Are you spending your time working solo, or are you leveraging your time by working with others?

Think about it. Now, when’s your next meeting?

“One of the greatest joys of leadership is assembling and knitting together teams of fantastic people.” (Bill Hybels)
