Posts Tagged ‘In 100 Words’
Friday, November 1st, 2019 by AdvisorCatalyst
Do you notice how some organizations are so charged with positive energy you want to bottle it to take with you? Those environments are created by leaders who are energy providers. They have learned energy has a multiplier effect – it unleashes pent up productive and creative capacities in people around them.
We likely over-value coaching on technical mechanics and under-value providing encouragement and excitement. Can it be that simple? If so, it’s worth knowing what refreshes, excites and charges you up as a leader. Schedule time for those activities so you can power up and bring positive energy.
“If a leader doesn’t convey passion and intensity then there will be no passion and intensity within the organization and they’ll start to fall down and get depressed.” Colin Powell
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Tags: In 100 Words, Leadership, management, Troy Schrock
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Monday, September 16th, 2019 by AdvisorCatalyst
How do you rate a leadership team’s strategic ability? One thought – look at the team’s ability to iterate strategically without lurching wildly in different directions. Can the team adapt the organization’s strategy to produce more than one economically successful business model over time? Time, in this case, is a decade plus. Success for that duration typically involves at least one business model shift when you consider changing customer preferences, technological advancements and competitive forces.
On this course, teams will need to master two key elements:
• strategy thinking – both the creative and analytical aspects, and
• execution – consistent, disciplined action over time.
“There is another old poet whose name I do not now remember who said, ‘Truth is the daughter of Time.’” Abraham Lincoln
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Tags: In 100 Words, Leadership, management, strategic planning, strategy execution, Troy Schrock
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Thursday, August 1st, 2019 by AdvisorCatalyst
Operational success runs down the Road of Routines. Leaders strive for consistent execution while avoiding two ditches.
The Ditch of Boredom – the numb, drained feeling from efforts to keep staff working good disciplines consistently. Leaders may pursue new ideas simply as an escape. The organization careens from one new idea to another.
The Ditch of Process Lock – the pull to become too comfortable and never change processes. People may begin idolizing the process itself. The organization slides into complexity and bureaucracy.
Staying out of the ditches allows leaders to enjoy both the journey and destination on the Road of Routines.
“For every mile of road there are two miles of ditches.” Irish Proverb
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Tags: In 100 Words, Leadership, management, strategy execution, Troy Schrock
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Friday, June 14th, 2019 by AdvisorCatalyst
Humility is not required to be successful. There are plenty of conceited, boastful people who enjoy career and financial success. Conversely, people with humility sometimes struggle. The idea that humility has benefits over pride is an axiomatic truth (more probable) rather than an absolute law (like gravity). Arrogance increases the chances a leader:
• makes a blunder by ignoring key decision factors or sound advice,
• experiences resistance to their plans, or
• develops a closed mindset.
Humility usually makes it is easier for a leader to keep an open, receptive mindset – toward people, ideas, and opportunities. Consider the value this could yield.
“Humility will open more doors than arrogance ever will.” Zig Ziglar
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Tags: In 100 Words, Leadership, management, Self-Management, Troy Schrock
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Wednesday, May 1st, 2019 by AdvisorCatalyst
Visualize a swarm of insects or birds in nature moving en masse then descending on and devouring a food source with shocking speed. They completely overwhelm the present condition.
This is the mental picture for how your team should tackle top priorities. Swarm – fully activate and intensely concentrate people and resources to overwhelm the obstacles to accomplishing the objective. Such singular passion and effort will create enough energy to break the inertia of the present condition. Conversely, chipping away at the priority with too few resources applied too late will leave you short. Swarm early and descend on the priority.
“It is not always what we know or analyzed before we make a decision that makes it a great decision. It is what we do after we make the decision to implement and execute it that makes it a good decision.” William Pollard
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Tags: In 100 Words, Leadership, management, strategy execution, Troy Schrock
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Saturday, March 16th, 2019 by AdvisorCatalyst
Team Leader Seminar – Five Sure-Fire Tactics Guaranteed to Dishearten Any Team!
1. Confidently claim your answer or solution is the best.
2. Don’t solicit input. BONUS – Learn the art of ignoring or deflecting ideas the team does happen to share with you (TIP – reinforce with tactic #1).
3. Give more attention and opportunity to team members who don’t align with the organization’s values or buy in to the team’s purpose but are clearly more talented (TIP – talent trumps values).
4. Criticize and correct subordinates work.
5. Publicly joke about subordinates’ weaknesses and failures.
Purposeful, regular application of these tactics yields the best results.
“Many a true word hath been spoken in jest.” William Shakespeare, King Lear
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Tags: In 100 Words, Leadership, management, Troy Schrock
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Thursday, January 31st, 2019 by AdvisorCatalyst
A perfect option does not exist for many choices we make. Rather, the decision involves a trade-off between a set of upsides and downsides; advantages and disadvantages. We try to balance the trade-offs. Oddly enough, though, we sometimes become concerned when the expected downsides occur. Hoping for a better solution, we work to amend the negative trade-offs without realizing we may miss the full benefit of the positive trade-offs in the process.
Don’t waste energy on the downsides if you want to maximize decision trade-offs. Identify the trade-offs. Get comfortable with your decision path. Enjoy the upsides of the trade-off!
“There are no solutions; there are only trade-offs.” Thomas Sowell
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Tags: In 100 Words, Leadership, strategy execution, Troy Schrock
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Saturday, December 15th, 2018 by AdvisorCatalyst
Certain seasons or events of our life heighten our awareness of both blessings we enjoy and the needs of others. Caring about someone else more than ourselves sparks kindness. Kindness can be displayed simply – smile and say hello; share encouragement and appreciation; or help someone with an obvious need.
Leaders initiate words and acts of kindness because they realize:
• Kindness is infectious – it’s easy for people to imitate.
• Kindness is relational lubrication – we more easily overlook people’s irritating behaviors.
• Kindness, regularly practiced, strengthens organizational culture.
Kindness is a gift everyone deserves to receive … and a gift everyone can give.
“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” Aesop
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Tags: Culture, In 100 Words, Leadership, Troy Schrock
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Thursday, November 1st, 2018 by AdvisorCatalyst
Success anomalies are difficult, if not impossible, to replicate. Unfortunately, that doesn’t stop leaders from attempting to repeat a success without first verifying a pattern exists. This over-confidence can result in large investments that don’t return. Organizations can have success anomalies and then stumble as leaders try to repeat past performance in important areas such as:
• Entering new markets
• Hiring senior level people
• Making acquisitions (statistically, the majority fail to deliver expected results).
Make significant investments only where there are clear patterns of positive outcomes. In other cases, make guarded resource commitments since you could be building on an anomaly.
“Everything has its limit – iron ore cannot be educated into gold.” Mark Twain
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Tags: In 100 Words, Leadership, management, Troy Schrock
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