Posts Tagged ‘Ben Anderson-Ray’

In 100 Words: 3 Ways to Increase Time Efficiency

Wednesday, August 1st, 2012 by AdvisorCatalyst

3 Ways to Increase Time Efficiency*:

  1. Log your actual time to the nearest quarter hour.  I guarantee your time efficiency will be lower than what you think it is.
  2. Begin each day by jotting your 3-5 most important priorities for that day on a note card.  Carry that card with you all day.  It will free your mind from less important to-dos and keep you focused on driving the most pertinent organizational goals.
  3. Each week, look at your time log and identify one activity that should be delegated to someone else.  You might even ask your team what you should not be doing.

*These tips are pulled from “Leveraging Leadership” by Ben Anderson-Ray.

“Management is doing things right.  Leadership is doing the right things.”  (Peter Drucker)

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