Archive for the ‘Strategy Planning’ Category

In 100 Words: Sharpen Your Resilience Thinking – Practical Considerations

Thursday, September 15th, 2022 by AdvisorCatalyst

What vulnerabilities have been revealed in your organization with the significant market changes the last few years?  You should consider internal – thought processes and operating patterns – along with external factors.

In addressing key vulnerabilities through resilience thinking, the following carry greater weight in decisions:

  • People ahead of processes.
  • Balance Sheet strength.
  • Non-cost factors – availability, speed, and more limited offerings.
  • Contingencies and alternatives.
  • More frequent leadership team connection and outward communication.

Though decisions favoring resiliency result in natural redundancy (extra cost), when delivery and availability are at stake, leaders yield margin to fulfil already sold commitments or keep sales engines running.

“The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence – it is to act with yesterday’s logic.”  Peter Drucker

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In 100 Words: Sharpen Your Resilience Thinking – The Why

Monday, August 1st, 2022 by AdvisorCatalyst

Leaders have had a two-year crash course on a resilience mindset vs a mindset of maximizing efficiencies.  The global system which allowed for decades of squeezing ever greater profits out of systems, networks and supply chains has unraveled.  The pandemic and Ukraine war are simply two recent accelerators of a decade plus trend away from global inter-connectedness and toward nationalism (e.g., China policies, U.K. Brexit, and U.S. populist movement).

While change was always a norm, greater change will be the new norm so continue building the resilience mindset.  Think flexible systems.  Build sufficient financial and talent resources to weather turbulence.

Resilience is “The capacity of a system to absorb disturbance and still retain its basic function and structure.”  Brian Walker and David Salt in Resilience Thinking

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In 100 Words: Pry Open Strategy Thinking…With Questions

Friday, October 30th, 2020 by AdvisorCatalyst

Thinking about the future during times of significant uncertainty can be mind-bending for leaders. A good set of questions is valuable in making sense of what we are experiencing and for setting priorities for the future.

• What brutal facts are we aware of, but ignoring to our detriment?
• Where is our arrogance causing disabling ignorance?
• What assumptions about our business model are no longer valid?
• What offerings are getting the most traction in the market? Why?
• What outcomes have surprised us (good or bad)?

What questions will be levers for your team for thought and conversation about the upcoming year?

“A prudent question is one-half of wisdom.” Francis Bacon

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In 100 Words: Old Trends, New Lines

Friday, May 1st, 2020 by AdvisorCatalyst

Some trends move slowly and then, BANG, a significant event radically shifts the arc of the curve. A “new” reality emerges as people quickly adjust their decision and behavior paths in response to the major event. Surprisingly, it is easy to get caught off guard with the accelerated trend shift even when the underlying change was happening for years. We became comfortable with the “old” rate of change and assumed it in our plans. Now we must assume the old change rate is gone. Are you examining existing trends for accelerated shifts to help your organization adjust to the new?

“The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence – it is to act with yesterday’s logic.”
Peter Drucker

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In 100 Words: Why We Plan

Friday, January 31st, 2020 by AdvisorCatalyst

It’s wonderful to begin a new year with a fresh plan! We enjoy the feeling of getting our organizational and personal goals identified. But,… the process is work. We must understand the market, research opportunities, and then debate which objectives should be priority.

Why do we go to this effort? The answer centers around three ways we, as human beings, are designed. We have:

• A natural excitement for the future.
• The capacity to think and plan.
• The desire to shape the elements around us to realize potential.
In short, we make plans to have an impact and shape our future.

“While I take inspiration from the past, like most Americans, I live for the future.” Ronald Reagan

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In 100 Words: Iterate without Lurching

Monday, September 16th, 2019 by AdvisorCatalyst

How do you rate a leadership team’s strategic ability? One thought – look at the team’s ability to iterate strategically without lurching wildly in different directions. Can the team adapt the organization’s strategy to produce more than one economically successful business model over time? Time, in this case, is a decade plus. Success for that duration typically involves at least one business model shift when you consider changing customer preferences, technological advancements and competitive forces.

On this course, teams will need to master two key elements:

• strategy thinking – both the creative and analytical aspects, and
• execution – consistent, disciplined action over time.

“There is another old poet whose name I do not now remember who said, ‘Truth is the daughter of Time.’” Abraham Lincoln

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In 100 Words: Time for Strategy Planning

Tuesday, November 1st, 2016 by AdvisorCatalyst

As leadership teams craft strategy plans for the upcoming year, they should remember the following lessons:

• There are no formulaic answers, however, you can benefit from a systematic approach to both your preparation and strategy planning conversations.

• Markets are dynamic so be disciplined in your strategy thinking. Challenge and test your basic assumptions – even if they are producing good results. Things change.

• Strategy requires clear choices and resource commitment. Each decision either reinforces or weakens the whole. The strength of how the decisions weave together form the fabric of compelling business models (think IKEA, The Container Store and Southwest Airlines).

“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes… but no plans.” – Peter Drucker

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