Archive for the ‘Management’ Category

In 100 Words: The Overreaction File

Monday, February 1st, 2016 by AdvisorCatalyst

We have all seen people overreact. We usually think, “Easy…, it’s not that important.” If we’re honest, though, we overreact ourselves at times. This is especially common with our first (often too quick) response in stressful circumstances – irritation and frustration boil over. Abraham Lincoln exercised a unique habit in moments of frustration – he vented by writing a scathing letter which he promptly filed in a drawer and never sent. Do you have a file for your initial responses in testy situations? Favorable outcomes are more likely when we take time to settle our minds and emotions before replying.

“Let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger” The Epistle of James 1:19, The Holy Bible (ESV)

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In 100 Words: Take Time to Celebrate

Tuesday, December 15th, 2015 by AdvisorCatalyst

Leaders should consider spending more time celebrating achievements within their teams and organizations instead of rushing headlong into whatever is next. Granted, the anticipation of charging ahead can be exciting. The pace, however, may leave people exhausted and feeling under appreciated. Is what we just accomplished worth anything? Is it only about the next goal or new theme?

The coming weeks are a good time of the year to identify and celebrate:
• successes (large or small)
• progress along the path
• what was attempted and learned

Thank team members for their efforts. Share memories of how it happened. Enjoy celebrating together.

“Celebrate what you want to see more of.” Tom Peters

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In 100 Words: Are You Scanning?

Tuesday, September 15th, 2015 by AdvisorCatalyst

One key reason teenage drivers crash four times more often than older drivers is an underdeveloped skill of scanning – glancing around for 360 degree awareness. Leaders can struggle with the same weakness in an organizational sense. Disruptive ideas, be it innovation opportunity or business model threat, will most likely come from outside your industry.

More experienced leaders are better prepared to understand significant outside developments and how they apply. However, it requires looking around. These activities can help you hone scanning skills:

• Read or skim a wide variety of magazines
• Talk to people in different industries
• Attend other industry conferences

“Excellence is to do a common thing in an uncommon way.” Booker T. Washington

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In 100 Words: Chips off the Block

Friday, July 31st, 2015 by AdvisorCatalyst

People easily identify my children as belonging to me. In addition to physical distinctions, we share a few marked behaviors and attitudes. When I’m bothered by what I see in my children (e.g., lack of follow through or resistance to change), I try to examine myself as the leader.

Similarly, in organizations employees may take on the characteristics of their leaders. Are you annoyed with certain behaviors, reactions or attitudes you see in people you lead? Consider, these could be “chips” from your leadership block.

If we want to see different chips we must be willing to change the block.

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” John Quincy Adams

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