Archive for the ‘In 100 Words’ Category
Saturday, October 31st, 2015 by AdvisorCatalyst
In any endeavor – academics, athletics, career or business – performing at the top is exhilarating! However, if success comes too quickly and easily, a deceptive snare is laid – blindness to the need to improve. The motivation to form healthy work and learning habits is missing. It’s simply a matter of time until performance peaks out.
Remaining a top performer – sustaining success over time – requires continuous growth and work. Life is a progression, not a single event. The factors influencing achievement are constantly shifting, so only deliberate improvement prepares us for more challenging future pursuits and enables us to elude the snare.
“Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.” Benjamin Franklin
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Tags: In 100 Words, Self-Management, Troy Schrock
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Tuesday, September 15th, 2015 by AdvisorCatalyst
One key reason teenage drivers crash four times more often than older drivers is an underdeveloped skill of scanning – glancing around for 360 degree awareness. Leaders can struggle with the same weakness in an organizational sense. Disruptive ideas, be it innovation opportunity or business model threat, will most likely come from outside your industry.
More experienced leaders are better prepared to understand significant outside developments and how they apply. However, it requires looking around. These activities can help you hone scanning skills:
• Read or skim a wide variety of magazines
• Talk to people in different industries
• Attend other industry conferences
“Excellence is to do a common thing in an uncommon way.” Booker T. Washington
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Tags: In 100 Words, Leadership, management, Troy Schrock
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Friday, July 31st, 2015 by AdvisorCatalyst
People easily identify my children as belonging to me. In addition to physical distinctions, we share a few marked behaviors and attitudes. When I’m bothered by what I see in my children (e.g., lack of follow through or resistance to change), I try to examine myself as the leader.
Similarly, in organizations employees may take on the characteristics of their leaders. Are you annoyed with certain behaviors, reactions or attitudes you see in people you lead? Consider, these could be “chips” from your leadership block.
If we want to see different chips we must be willing to change the block.
“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” John Quincy Adams
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Tags: In 100 Words, Leadership, management, Troy Schrock
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Monday, June 15th, 2015 by AdvisorCatalyst
Common sentiment seems to hold that we are back in a period of strong economic growth. Leader’s radar screens are filled with many new and exciting opportunities. We can get downright giddy after slogging through years of a tough market.
We may also find ourselves unprepared for saying NO to the majority of good opportunities. Yet, it is critical we do so. Instead, too many leaders will do almost anything to keep all their options open. In the end, hedging options typically slows down decision making and robs resources (commitment) from the best opportunities.
How can you limit your options?
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” Leonardo da Vinci
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Tags: In 100 Words, Leadership, management, strategy execution, Troy Schrock
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Friday, May 1st, 2015 by AdvisorCatalyst
Don’t expect your team to become strong by itself – as if by spontaneous combustion. Strong teams develop with external energy, that is, individual team members committing to each other and to their common cause.
Whose job is it to build a strong team? Obviously, the team leader bears direct accountability. That being said, if you are the member of a team, you need look no further than yourself. Do not think it is the job of the team leader only. Everyone on the leadership team can take responsibility for strengthening their level of commitment to one another and the cause.
“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” Helen Keller
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Tags: In 100 Words, Leadership, management, Troy Schrock
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Saturday, March 14th, 2015 by AdvisorCatalyst
How is your annual strategic plan faring now that we are almost 90 days into the year? In What Makes an Effective Executive, Peter Drucker makes this statement regarding the strategic plan:
“It must not become a straightjacket. It should be revised often, because every success creates new opportunities. So does every failure. The same is true for changes in the business environment, in the market, and especially in people within the enterprise – all these changes demand that the plan be revised.”
It’s hard to say it any better. What fine-tuning adjustments do you and your team need to make?
“A written plan should anticipate the need for flexibility.” Peter F. Drucker
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Tags: In 100 Words, management, strategy execution, Troy Schrock
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Saturday, January 31st, 2015 by AdvisorCatalyst
Leaders commonly bemoan their lack of time to think. They know dedicated think time is a prerequisite for high value producing activities – creating, innovating, problem-solving, planning and prioritizing.
However, days are spent juggling tactical, low value producing activities. Even efficiency gains (many via technology) are easily squandered on other technologies which add little to no value (e.g., email).
The solution is simple – schedule think time in your calendar. Then, avoid the temptation to over-ride these commitments. Turn off email and phones. Even a couple hours of focused, uninterrupted thinking time two or three days each week will make an impact.
“Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard, solid thinking.” Martin Luther King, Jr.
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Tags: In 100 Words, Leadership, Troy Schrock
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Monday, December 15th, 2014 by AdvisorCatalyst
It is an appropriate time of the year to consider the benefits of giving and receiving. In the business world, though, it is about trading knowledge rather than tangible gifts. Many people would be surprised if they knew how freely business leaders share expertise and experiences with other leaders. In my experience, most leaders have a genuine desire to share with, as well as learn from, others. They have learned the wisdom of being both a teacher and student – to humbly share and excitedly learn.
So, let the exchanging begin because to both the givers and receivers belong the gain!
“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” – Winston Churchill
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Tags: In 100 Words, Leadership, management, Troy Schrock
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Saturday, November 1st, 2014 by AdvisorCatalyst
We are so conflicted when it comes to failing. Failure is painfully hard to endure, yet amazing break-throughs can emerge out of the trial. The failure of Plan A may lead to a successful Plan B (or C or H…). We achieve success precisely because we failed earlier attempts. So, the faster we fail, the more quickly we can succeed.
Certain sales approaches teach how to get to “no” quickly. There is something to that attitude. Why waste resources hoping? Choose a path then push, fail, learn and modify. Repeat. With some iteration of the cycle success will likely emerge.
“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” –Colin Powell
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Tags: In 100 Words, Leadership, management, Troy Schrock
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Monday, September 15th, 2014 by AdvisorCatalyst
Lack of preparation is one of the surest ways to waste a good meeting. Do you remember Kramer’s classic entrances in the old TV sitcom Seinfeld – the off-balance slide with hair wildly flying? This is how many executives enter their meetings.
Meeting effectiveness is directly proportional to the preparation time participants expend. Each participant should run through this simple pre-meeting checklist:
- consciously note the meeting objective
- review key topics and input data
- write down what debates and decisions are needed
Scheduling buffer time between meetings is the practical transition mechanism for accomplishing this preparation. Don’t waste another meeting; enter prepared.
“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” –Abraham Lincoln
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Tags: In 100 Words, Leadership, management, Troy Schrock
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