Archive for June, 2024

In 100 Words: Being Brief is Worth the Effort

Friday, June 14th, 2024 by AdvisorCatalyst

Some things, like lines in a queue, are better shorter than longer.  This includes business communication.  Emails, presentations, memos, and books are often longer than necessary.  It’s easier and faster to over-express in drafting or ad-libbing.  However, lengthier doesn’t correlate to greater impact.  It can also be inconsiderate of others.

Expressing something in an economy of words requires extra time and effort.  It’s work!  Utilizing a good editing process will deliver benefits, though.  The communicator is forced to slow down, tackle one thing, and dig for deeper understanding.  This effort should produce greater clarity, conciseness, and a more impactful message.

“The present letter is a very long one, simply because I had no leisure to make it shorter.”  Blaise Pascal

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