Who is more likely to start a business: A college student or a worker with a few decades of experience?
This question was asked by BusinessWeek in its October 12, 2009 issue. The article was titled “America’s Best Young Entrepreneurs 2009,” which probably reflects the answer that most would give to the question. So many readers will probably be surprised to know that the answer is…the experienced worker.
(Click here for the article.)
The article noted that over the past decade, “the highest rate of entrepreneurial activity belongs to the 55-64 age group.” The lowest rate was in the 20-34 age group.
This is good news. I have nothing against anyone starting a business, regardless of age, but with the way our society celebrates youth in everything, I’m delighted to see boomers getting some attention for continuing their years of productivity rather than disappearing into retirement. They have experience. They have wisdom. They have ideas. Consequently, they have more to offer to our economy than their younger peers. It’s time that more of them realized that, and it’s time our society starts lauding them for it and encouraging their entrepreneurial dreams.
Economies thrive when value is created. How encouraging it is to know that those most capable of creating value are doing just that.
Tags: Entrepreneurism